"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)

Over the 6,000 years of recorded history, people have learned - through trial and error - what has and has not worked to create and sustain successful romantic relationships. Many of the best relationship creating techniques have been lost over the course of this history.

Since 1990, Ellen Mogensen has researched what history teaches about what has and has not worked when it comes to creating and sustaining, happy, long term romantic relationships. Ellen has rediscovered many romantic techniques which have been tested and proven to work.

Since 1996, Ellen has helped her clients to heal their relationship problems such as communication issues, parenting conflicts, lifestyle differences (conflicts over work, money, cleanliness, religion), sexual dysfunction, and recovery from relationship damaging events (infidelity, rape, loss of children, disability in children) using her historical research as a guide.

Ellen has helped her clients attract and find their special soulmate. She has helped marriage partners to resolve their differences and save their family. She has helped loving couples to rekindle the spark between them. She has helped parents to more resourcefully raise their children. All by using ancient relationship wisdom to help solve modern problems.

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